White Family

PostedTuesday, 12th July, 2011
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Thanks to Luke Tillen and his team at the Torbay Holiday Helpers Network they gave us a wonderful holiday a couple of weeks ago.

Luke founded the network and he and his fellow hoteliers offer free holidays to families who have a child with a serious illness, either still receiving treatment or up to two years post treatment. They also offer holidays to bereaved families. Luke has also persuaded various cafes, attractions, cinema, theatre etc to take part and they provide free entrance or lunch/tea….how generous is this?!!

We had a great week in Babbacombe at Luke’s hotel and visited a great many places….and had good weather!

Sam decided to interview Luke and chat about the THHN, here it is below… apologies for the background noise, it proves this is a hands on role for Luke!! and I think one of the girls may have been playing the spoons – hoping to get into cabaret maybe! Anyway well done Sam and Luke…

A link to Sam’s blog where you can follow all he does for campaigning for child brain tumour research http://nogginmimm.blogspot.com/


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