Kian Jones Family Feedback

PostedFriday, 21st October, 2011
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Thank you so much for our holiday, we had a fantastic time and the kids loved it. The Westbrook in Torquay was lovely and Maureen made us really welcome and her breakfasts were amazing! Just thought you might like a bit of feedback to go on your website.

What a fantastic time we had on holiday courtesy of THHN, the people who allow you to visit their attractions and dine at their restaurants are so kind. I hope they all realise the wonderful memories they are helping to create in uncertain times.

Kian was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma aged 4, he underwent 9 months of chemo and all looked good, just three months later his tumour came back and he had another set of wigglies put in and a further 9 months of chemo. Poor Kian had just grown his hair back only too loose it all again. After the chemo 6 weeks of radiotherapy started with a daily 4 hour round trip to Nottingham whilst trying to work and look after our other son Danny.

All looked good again but sadly 3 months down the line a scan showed the tumour had come back yet again. Hopes had bugun to fade and we were told our only chance of saving Kian was to have an exenteration of his eye, this meant all tissues including his eye lids, eye ball and muscles would be taken away leaving a large hole in his face and a huge disfigurement for life. What choice did we have though? I didnt care if Kian had one eye or ten eyes I still loved him.

The day of the operation was the worst moment of my life, no one knew what he would look like. It was really nasty when he first had it done but now the skins grown inside the socket and there is nothing nasty to see at all just a hole. The worst part is the stares and looks from other children but Kian is used to this now and has a great group of friends.

All the chemo affected his hips so on top of everything he’s just had an operation to break and pin both hips, leaving him in a wheelchair for the last three months. He’s doing so well now and has been cancer free for three years in February, he’s such a brave boy and I hope against hope that we are finally at the end of a very long journey. The holiday from THHN couldn’t have come at a better time, Kians not long out of his wheelchair and walking much better than he was. Thank you so much to everyone involved in the holidays, we have come away with some amazing memories to cherish forever. Love from the Jones family


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