Ralph Family Feedback

PostedThursday, 23rd May, 2013
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A huge thank you from the Ralph family for a fabulous break in Torquay. We arrived home yesterday with big smiles on our faces! It was the very first holiday for our three children, Austin (4), Millie (3) and Cooper (1), and we all LOVED it.

Steve and I didn’t realise how much we needed a holiday until we had one. It helped to make up for so many days lost last year, after Millie was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma in March and spent much of the year in hospital.

Seeing the children running around on the beach, their excitement and the sheer joy in their little faces during our three-day break was wonderful. I stood on Paignton beach in the sunshine on the first day of our holiday with a tear running down my cheek, feeling such gratitude for this opportunity.

We are overwhelmed by the immense generosity of everyone involved in THHN, but particular thanks go to:

Brunel Manor for the friendly welcome and lovely accommodation – what an amazing place!
Wetherspoon’s Talk of the Town for dinner
Crealy Adventure Park for a fab day out (and three exhausted children that slept really well that night)
Babbacome Cliff Railway (and to the visitor centre for the balloons that made the kids’ day!)
Dinosaur World for a great way to spend a wet and very windy morning
Kents Cavern for a fascinating underground experience
Hanbury’s for the most delicious fish and chips ever.

And of course I also wanted to say thank you to you Luke for organising such an amazing network – as I’m sure you realise, a holiday is one the greatest gifts for a family that has been through trauma and grief.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Tara and Steve Ralph


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