Donate & Regular Gift Donation

What THHN does is not going to change any situation or cure any illnesses but what it does do is give families something positive to focus on, acts as a good distraction from hospital appointments and situations families are faced with, but most of all it gives families quality time together to build those all-important memories that they will treasure forever.
Thanks to very kind fundraisers THHN is now able to offer families who are in financial difficulty grants to cover their travelling expenses. Invariably when a family has a seriously ill member one parent will have to quit their job to care full time for the sick child or parent and this has a huge financial impact on the family on top of what they are already dealing with.
You can help by donating to THHN.
There are various ways to donate, whichever way you donate please don’t forget to GiftAid your donation. You can make a one off or regular donations via Bt My Donate, Virgin Money Giving or JustGiving
Donate via text message
You can donate via text message, simply text the message THHN00 followed by the amount you would like to donate – for example £10 to the number 70070.
Donate by post
You can send us a donation by post, please make cheques payable to THHN and send to
Torbay Holiday Helpers Network
Alvista, Cliff Road,
If sending by post it would be great if you could download and complete a GiftAid declaration, this allows us to claim GiftAid on your donation increasing the amount we receive.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate in contacting us.